Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's... A... GIRL!!!!!

So we went to the doctor...
And we got an ultrasound...
And the decided since the region that we don't speak of had no telltale protrusions it must be a girl. That's right. A girl.
And since it's a girl we obviously cannot name her Brock.
And since we can't name her Brock we have to choose another name. We would like to thank everyone that contributed ideas for names back in the day. It was fun playing. We actually have a name that we like a lot. Of course we aren't going to tell. That will ruin the surprise.
In related news, we watched the election results last night, and after the first minute or so we saw the futility of our cause. Democracy proved once again how flexible a system it is by actually changing to a socialist system! Kinda like those frogs that can change their sex. You know, the ones that theoretically could procreate with themselves if only they could find a way to be both male AND female at the same time? Well that is how our government just transformed. If only Democracy and Socialism could peacefully coexist and procreate with each other, we might actually see this fantastic "Change" that Barack Hussein Amal Faqir Nathan Obama is talking about (I threw Nathan in there because, after all, he is a patriotic American. Just ask Oprah). Alas, Just like frogs reproducing within their own selves, this hybrid form of government only exists in a world made of candy canes and planes and bright red choo choo trains (yes, I stole that line from Bad Religion). Fortunately I did see one shining ray of hope from our country. That's right, both Arizona AND California defeated Gay Marriage. Honestly, who saw that coming.
Gays defeated, Girl on the way, healthcare for all, life isn't as bad as it could be.

On a related and more serious note, I am glad that I got to vote. Even though it didn't go the way I would have liked, at least I had my say. Too many will say that my vote doesn't really matter, because in the end, the electoral college will decide who gets sworn in. But saying my vote doesn't count is like saying that only the one that fertilizes the egg has any relevance. Personally, I find that ridiculous and I would have been ecstatic if any one of them had assisted in creating my little girl.


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations! We're really excited for you.

Dallin said...

Yeah! I'm so excited for you guys! I know everyone will tell you this, but girls are so much fun to shop for. We can have girls together!

kristen said...

COngratulations! I'm so excited for you! I was just barely thinking about you guys this morning! I hope all is going well! I wish that you lived closer so that we could see each other! Call me when you have a minute! Yay for a little girl!

Brian said...

That is fabulous news! Congratulations from our family.